If you are a non-profit entity (501(c)(3)) or government entity and you serve the Tulia Community, you may be eligible to receive a grant from the Tulia United Community Fund. To apply, click the link below to access the TUCF grant application packet.
All applications must provide the information requested in this application packet. All attachments should be noted and included with this application packet.
Applications are due on or before Tuesday, November 30, 2023, by 5 PM.
Electronic versions of this application packet are acceptable and preferred for submission via email. To submit in this manner, attach a copy of your completed application along with all required information in an acceptable electronic format (Word, PDF, Excel) to:
Applications can also be mailed to the following address:
Tulia United Community Fund
PO Box 671
Tulia, TX 79088
For questions or requests for additional information regarding the Grant Application, please contact:
Click the file below to access the application packet.